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Legacy – this is your time

I recently had the pleasure of reading, in my opinion, one of the most fascinating books I’ve ever read relating to the culture and power that an aligned culture can bring to an organisation.

That book was “Legacy” – by James Kerr which uncovers the brute power of the mighty All Blacks Rugby Team.

One could think that it’s the statue of the fifteen men on the paddock, or their dynamic skills moving and controlling the ball during a game. Or is it the intimidating “haka” they recite on game day (and yes – the latter all contributes), but the true power sits within the culture of the team.

Best summed up in Rudyard Kipling’s “Jungle book” mantra; the strength of the pack is in the wolf and the strength of the wolf is in the pack, that is, the leader gives his strength, wisdom and power to the team and the team use this as their guidance and inner strength to leave nothing but one hundred and ten percent on the field when the game is done.

They are one, connected by knowing this is their moment, that there is no tomorrow. Own the time you have and ensure you give your all, for you never know when your time will end.

You want to make sure your presence for being there has made an impact, and in the case of the All Blacks, “leave the jersey in a better place than you found it”.

In my world I have witnessed far too many people not “own” the fact that this is “their time”, failing to embrace the natural talents they have to be the best version of them possible.

Make a mark, make a difference and ensure where ever you go, whatever you do, is better for you being there.

Don’t be a passenger, in life or in business; where passengers just “turn” up. Be a leader and “front” up to every moment in life you can.

You don’t or won’t get a second chance, for once that moment is gone, it will never come back.

Legacy is what we leave behind.

Your indelible signature that you were there.

It will outlive you and will be the greatest gift you can leave in the wake of your presence.

Legacy – this is your time.

Meet Ross

At the helm of One Degree Consulting stands Ross Hunter. Having forged a successful career in mining, real estate, leadership and strategy, he now works with businesses and professionals to help them thrive and prosper.

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It is probably his unique leadership skills and his ability to inspire those around him that make Ross something very special in today's world. I have seen Ross lift peoples’ performance to a level they never thought they could achieve. I know because I am one of them.
- Len Day (CEO/Director - Austar Realty)

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